I started Patch thinking about how good it would be to have a visit that would be just my son and myself. What I got was that and so much more.

First, is the parenting classes that are required before a visit can be obtained. In those classes I learned how to be a better parent, but most important I learned how to deal with mine and my child’s emotional instability caused by my mistakes and incarceration.

Secondly, the visits. We are in a child friendly environment where we can hug, take our shoes off and roll around on the rug while playing games. My son was so happy to be able to tell me his concerns, and not have to tell anybody else what we talked about. I was able to reassure him that my mistakes are not his fault, and that I love him and am extremely proud of him. I could get down on his level, look him in the eye and talk to him. Then give him time to think and respond. I learned so much about him in those four hour visits. When I stop and think about it, how often does any parent have four hours at one time to stop, play and talk to their child? My son absolutely loved coming to Patch visits. I thank all the people involved. Without them my son and I would not have had the opportunity to learn that even when someone makes mistakes, we can find a way to learn from them, grow stronger, and more emotionally secure.

The final and most important thing I learned is that my son can build anything using blocks, Legos, sticks and most important, LOVE.

