Meet the Marchbanks
Meet Beth
How you can help
Volunteers play a vital role in the operation of PATCH. Several opportunities for volunteers are listed.
Contact us for an application director@chillicothepatch.org.
When caregivers cannot provide transportation, volunteer drivers are needed to transport children. Two adults are required for each trip.
Local Area: Volunteer drivers are needed to pick up children in the local area (within 150 miles) using their own vehicles, transport them to the Chillicothe Correctional Center and return them home following the visit.
Outstate MO: Volunteer drivers from throughout the state of Missouri are needed to pick up children from their community and possibly other communities along the route using their own vehicle or an organization or church vehicle, transport them to Chillicothe Correctional Center and return them following the visit.
Application forms are available. Please contact PATCH if you are interested in providing this important service.
The volunteer assists PATCH staff with visits between offender mothers and their children. Responsibilities include helping with craft activities, lunch preparation, photos, and helping with very young children. Volunteers who come into the institution to assist with PATCH visits are required to become a “VIC” or Volunteer In Corrections and receive training by the Department of Corrections. Please contact PATCH for an application.
PATCH visits may be scheduled for any day Monday-Friday or Saturday and Sunday. Visits are four hours in length and always include lunch and a photo with mom. Children arrive 30 minutes before the visit begins. The PATCH visit coordinator plans each visit with the caregiver and offender. A typical visit is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Afternoon times are available on weekends ( Friday – Sunday). Visit hours can vary to accommodate scheduling. Evening visit would usually be held from 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Schweitzer United Methodist Church sends a van each month from Springfield with children to visit their mothers.